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Small Satellite Conference

Attendee Registration

Register Now


November 15–May 9


May 10–August 9


August 10–13





Registration Includes

  • Admission to all Conference Sessions
  • Access to Exhibit Hall
  • Program materials
  • Sponsor giveaways
  • Conference giveaway
  • Refreshment breaks
  • “Munch & Mingle” Luncheons
  • Social events

Registration & Check-in

August 10
7:00 AM–7:00 PM
August 11-13
7:00 AM–6:00 PM

Media Pass

Complimentary registration is available to accredited members of the media. Media registrations include keynote address, technical sessions, lunches and refreshment breaks, and social events.

Media Pass applications are now open. Official media photo identification is required at the time of check-in.

Media Pass Application

Fine Print

Student Rate Eligibility

The student registration rate applies to individuals who are enrolled as full-time undergraduate or graduate students. Those who are employed full-time and are taking courses are not eligible for this rate. If you have questions regarding your eligibility, please contact

Party Guest Pass

Attendees may purchase an all-inclusive pass for guests to attend the Opening Social, Sunday Welcome Reception, and Industry Parties. Attendees and guests must wear badges/passes at all conference events and meals. The "Party Guest Pass" can be purchased when registering for the conference.

Dietary Request

Food substitutions may be available for those with special dietary needs. We will have vegetarian and gluten-free options available. If you or your guest have specific dietary requirements, please provide details when registering. It is important that we know in advance in order to make the necessary menu adjustments, where possible.

Persons with Disabilities

Reasonable accommodation is available for persons with disabilities. If you have special needs, please contact Fourteen working days’ notice is needed to prepare materials and services.

Conference Attire

Business/Business Casual

Illness Prevention Considerations

SmallSat will be live and in person in Salt Lake City, Utah. We welcome attendees to wear masks according to their own comfort level. SmallSat takes precautions according to County and State guidelines.


Participants at the Small Satellite Conference hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the Salt Palace Convention Center, Utah State University, and Space Dynamics Laboratory and its trustees, officers and agents, employees and students from any and all liability including claims, demands, losses, costs, damages and expenses of every kind and description (including death) or damage to persons or property, including but not resulting, directly or indirectly, from any act or omission of the exhibitor, its agents or employees or on accounts of injuries, death or property damage arising out of activities of the attendee as authorized by this agreement, or arising out of its use of Conference services and facilities, or arising as the result of any noncompliance with the American Disabilities Act.

Conference participants are not permitted to place signage, banners, fliers or other advertising materials in any public areas including the Ballrooms, exhibit halls, lunch areas, lounges, break areas, social event venues and individual exhibit booths. Any materials placed in Conference venues will be removed and disposed of.

In accordance with the terms, conditions, and regulations, by checking the agreement box on the online registration form, each individual agrees to abide by the rules and regulations as stated above or as specifically designated by Conference Management. Once confirmed, this registration form becomes a contract. Failure to abide by Conference rules and regulations will result in forfeiture of all monies paid under terms of this agreement.

Cancellation Policy

Refunds will be made to those registrants who cancel, less a 10% cancellation fee if a request is submitted by August 8, 2025. No refunds will be made after this date. Personnel substitutions will be accepted without the fee.

The Space Dynamics Laboratory reserves the right to cancel this program due to insufficient enrollment or extenuating circumstances and limits its liability to registration refunds only.